Hi friends,

Everyone has a little ritual for getting their morning off to a good start. Many people rely on coffee, energy drinks or a good pastry to begin their day without really thinking about how these typical morning foods actually make them feel. These choices may provide a quick, reliable boost in energy and mood, but do they really help your body and mind to perform at your very best?

Coffee is extremely popular, but as we all know, it can have its drawbacks. Drink too much and you become jittery, drink too late in the day and you’re up all night. After prolonged use, digestive issues such as heartburn or ulcers may develop. All that for a quick rush? No thanks.

Energy drinks may sound like a miracle in a bottle, but do they really have any benefits for your body? The ingredients used to make them are under-researched, and they often contain a huge amount of caffeine to boot. Many side effects have been reported including heart palpitations, headaches, dizziness and difficulty breathing to name a few. Definitely not worth it.

While sugar may give a quick surge of energy, it is well known that the rush is followed by a hard crash. It lacks vital nutrients, and is detrimental to a healthy smile. Beyond that, sugar contributes to a dysfunctional metabolism and can cause insulin resistance, a precursor to diabetes. Strike three.

You only have one chance to start your day off right, and breakfast means giving your body the proper nutrients after a long night’s rest. Front-loading your morning with the vitamins and minerals you need ensures you’ll have the stamina to power through your tasks for the day, without paying for it in the afternoon.

A Morning Juice for Energy

The best way to inject the most nutrients possible into your morning routine is to juice them. Concentrated amounts of minerals in fresh fruit and vegetable juices enhance metabolism, support brain function and stabilize blood sugar levels are easily taken up by the body. A wide variety of vitamins, antioxidants and enzymes are instantly digested and turned into the building blocks needed for proper cell function.

Balancing the natural sugars in fruits with the earthy enzymes in veggies is the perfect combination to boost your energy levels and keep you from crashing later on. When the nutritional needs of your body are taken care of first thing, your body has the fuel to keep you going strong all day.

Best Fruits and Veggies for Energy

If you’re thinking that veggies for breakfast is not your thing, juicing them will definitely change your mind. You may be surprised to find out that the bitter taste in some vegetables can easily be masked by the fresh sweetness of fruits or herbs. Some of the best choices for instant energy include the following:

  • Kale - The high amounts of manganese and iron found in kale help your brain to function at its best, so you can focus on your daily tasks at work, while a powerful combination of vitamins and minerals support muscles and cardiovascular system.
  • Beetroot - Naturally occuring nitrates increases oxygen flow which supports the brain and muscular system. In addition to increasing energy, the concentrated nutrients in beets help cleanse the body and fight inflammation.
  • Tomato - Perfect right after your morning workout, tomatoes normalize blood levels and promote proper liver function and toxin elimination processes throughout the body.
  • Carrot - the concentrated, natural sugars in carrots offer a powerful energy boost, while promoting proper metabolism and detoxification. Plus, they’re packed with a variety of nutrients that help nearly every part of your body.

Add one of the ingredients above to your favourite juicing recipe each day - a base of apples, parsley and ginger create a tasty beverage that will get you going. If you're short on time in the morning, you can prep your morning juice the night before using your MOD Juicer and store in the fridge in one of our eco glass bottles.

After just a few mornings you’ll agree that these delicious juices will definitely set you up to be your best. You’ll enjoy sustained energy and be bursting with vitality all day- long after you would have crashed and burned with coffee or other stimulants. So drink up!

Until next time!

Team MOD