Your skin is often the first thing that people notice. The health of your skin can reveal if you are worn down or stressed out.

Everyday factors such as environmental pollution, toxins in food and water and the chemicals in many skin products can also contribute to dull, blemished skin. It may even have you booking an expensive appointment at the dermatologist’s office to restore that youthful glow. Fortunately, many of the common problems that show up on your face can be eliminated by juicing.

Skin and Health

The health of your skin is often an important indicator of overall health. Your skin is your biggest organ and helps your body detoxify itself every day. Inflammatory diseases such as dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, acne, dull skin, premature aging are signs that your body may be overwhelmed with toxins and that it is not getting the nutrition it requires.

Environmental pollutants that are not eliminated from the body are stored in the fat layer of the skin and can cause a dull, tired appearance. Breakouts and other conditions are often a result of a buildup of these toxins, and indicate the need for cleansing and rebuilding of skin tissue.

Skin health relies on several factors including hydration, sun exposure, detoxification and adequate nutrient levels. An imbalance of any of these will definitely show up on your face. However, daily consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables are also critical for improving and maintaining the appearance and health of your skin.

The readily available and highly concentrated nutrients contained in fresh juice offer a healthy dose of regenerating properties. Vitamin A and C repair skin and improve collagen, while beta-carotene and other minerals such as iron, selenium and zinc provide a healthy glow and protect skin from aging. Most fruits and vegetables offer antioxidant and anti-aging benefits, but those listed here are the best for protecting your skin.

Carrots - A staple in many juicing recipes. The beta-carotene in carrots slow the aging process, offer a healthy glow to the skin and improve texture by increasing collagen production. 

Celery - Often overlooked and underestimated, celery contains a nice dose of mineral rich silica which provides the building blocks for healthy skin, hair and nails.

Cucumber - This fruit provides the hydration needed for a plump, healthy skin texture, while eliminating toxins, and reducing inflammation, improving the overall appearance.

Tomato - Tomatoes contain high amounts of lycopene along with naturally occuring chlorine and sulfur that help your body eliminate toxins and protect the health of the skin.

Parsley - The high concentration of Vitamin K in parsley helps to heal wounds, and improves elasticity in the collagen layer beneath the skin.

Watercress - A delicate leafy green that packs a powerful punch, the wide variety of nutrients and antioxidants in watercress purify the blood and improve complexion.

Beetroot One of the most powerful root veggies, beetroot contain cleansing and anti-inflammatory nutrients that regenerate and improve skin health. 

Kale - High in Vitamin A and many other anti inflammatory nutrients, kale fights acne and promotes cleansing and repair of skin tissue. 

Because these foods can be so powerful, it is important to start by consuming a small amount of juice each day and increase consumption over a period of time.

Choose one or two of the items from the list and combine with a few apples in your juicer each day. Too much cleansing too fast can overwhelm your body with a large release of toxins, which may cause irritation or breakouts.

You’ll also want to rotate through this list, to reap the most benefits and vary the nutrient content.

Including these foods in your daily juicing routine using your MOD slow juicer will not only make your skin positively glow from the inside out, but will also improve your immune function, increase energy levels and enhance your overall health. All the benefit without the cost of a trip to the dermatologist’s office.

If you are wanting a tried and tested recipe, check out our MOD Glow Juice Recipe!