Healthy Family Meal Ideas with MOD!
Making smoothies and our own juices has always been high on our daily to-do list – nothing quite beats the taste of a fresh juice first thing in the morning or on a hot day. However now with 2 young children, our approach to juicing has evolved – and with the rising cost of produce we are keen to try and minimize our waste and make our produce go a-bit further which is all possible with our juicer.
For starters, making the juice in itself is an easy and tasty way of getting much needed fruits and vegetables into our children’s diets! One of my children is somewhat a bit fussier than the other so being able to incorporate all types of produce into our juice is a great way of ensuring she still gets nutrients she would otherwise turn away at the dinner table.
Popular mixes for us are Apple, Beetroot and Carrot (we call this our ABC juice!) along with additions of celery, oranges, ginger and kale. It was a bit of trial and error with the celery and kale but I’ve found that adding in apple with these helps to sweeten the taste – much to my daughters (and my) delight.

Veggie Pattie Burgers (using carrot, beetroot & celery pulp). We’ve made spaghetti bolognaise and lasagne using our carrot and celery pulp– just add in some fresh spinach to the meat sauce to boost the (hidden) veggie intake.
Also, a new one we have tried recently is pork meatballs with apple & celery pulp which has also gone down a treat – tastes great with a tomato based sauce and pasta or can serve with steamed vegetable and mashed potato.
Fruit pulp is really easy to use up along with carrot & beetroot – muffins, slices, crumble all make up really well using the pulp. The pulp can be used for most sweet recipes either on its own or to bulk up your recipe if your running low on anything. Our go-to’s are fruit pulp muffins – we split the mixture into regular muffin tins, then the rest goes into mini muffin tins for the children. For an extra treat we dust them with a bit of icing sugar! In summer – using our MOD Icy Pole Molds was a tasty and fun way of using our juicer. The set can hold up to 10 Icy Poles so are great to have in the freezer and pull out when the weather is warm! Coming into the cooler months – I’ll also be using our leftover vegetable pulp in soups, stocks and stews for the extra flavour and texture.